Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Yarn Wreath

Hey All!

It's craft time! I'm going to give some quick instructions on this beautiful wreath I made last week for my door. As you can see below, it's pretty cute, at least I think so!!! I'm going to tell you how to make the cutest summer wreath! Plus, you can make some changes and do whatever theme you want!

Supplies Needed.
  1. Yarn - I used two separate colors, but you can use whatever you want, you don't need more than 1 ball of yarn.
  2. Wreath Form - I just bought a simple styrofoam form, but I have heard that you can buy a pool noodle and cut it to size, then duct tape it. This was just easier for me.
  3. Decorations! - I actually used a single piece of yellow cardstock for my yellow polka-dot bikini and 'fun in the sun' sign, but you can use flowers, buttons, whatever you want!!!
  4. Paper clips - for me, I used paper clips to keep the bikini and sign in place, I just stabbed a side into the styrofoam. 
So these are super easy instructions!
  • I started a strand of yarn off by tying a knot around the wreath form, and then just began wrapping the yarn around. I used yellow first, and kept it tight. Believe me though, my arms were sore by the end of that.
  • I have heard that you can use multiple layers to thicken the look and feel of the wreath. I only did one layer though because my arm hurt.
  • To finish the 'tie off' I just threaded the yarn back through the beginning spot and tied a knot. 
  • I did this again but much more spaced out with the hot pink yarn. It was a simple weave through.
  • I made my bikini with a marker and then packing tape to 'laminate' the bikini so it wouldn't get ruined outside.
  • A simple attachment of the paper clip to the bikini, and a stab through the wreath form makes for a super cute attachment.
Honestly, this didn't take much time, and every time I walk through the door, I get all giddy with excitement knowing I created such a beautiful wreath. I'm thinking of making a different wreath for every month, that might be a little excessive though.

Anyway, hope you've enjoyed this wreath-making tutorial, if you have any questions or comments, let me know!!!

I'm thinking next time, I might discuss cooking, or packing properly before a big move, or relationships. What do you think?
